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Conversations – Webinar Series

Access guidance on parenting, the transition to parenthood, and navigating emotional development during challenging times.

Live Webinars

For Couples:

Increase Intimacy in Your Relationship

Whether you’re looking to deepen your emotional bond, reignite passion, or start having fascinating conversations again, this session will provide practical tools and expert guidance.

For Couples:

Navigating Stress Together

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but how couples navigate it together can make or break your relationship. Learn practical strategies to reduce the impact of external stress, foster emotional connection, and build resilience as a team, even in the face of significant challenges. Improve your relationship immediately by protecting it from outside stress!

Recorded Webinars

For New Parents:

The Transition to Parenthood Webinar

This webinar provides an evidence-based and research-tested program to help prepare couples for life with a baby and the joys and challenges of parenthood. We cover challenges you’ll face in parenthood, how to gain relationship satisfaction, and how to create a healthy environment that promotes emotional and intellectual development. Buy now and get 50% off!

Emotion Coaching: The Heart of Relating to Tweens and Teens

This one-hour webinar covers the basics of neurobiological research related to emotional development and the teenage brain, the five steps of Emotion Coaching, and pressures and risky situations that are common with teens. Special emphasis is placed on how to help teens and parents navigate emotions during the coronavirus pandemic.

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John Gottman’s concept of “flooding” triggers the “fight or flight” response, risking conflict escalation or emotional disengagement. Subscribe for free resources on managing it in clients.

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